ePortfolio Showcase

It was helpful to look at ePortfolios made by other Digital Learning and Leading students when I was considering what site platform to use and how to organize and format my information. I first had a look at the various ePortfolio examples, provided in the blogpost by Harapnuik, at the beginning of the DLL program. I decided not to focus too much on content others had posted at the time, such as learning manifestos etc., because I wanted my portfolio to reflect myself and my ideas. It was also helpful to look at ePortfolios of other professionals, both in the education field and beyond, to see how they were used to facilitate professional growth and communication.
I reviewed the following portfolios by past DLL students:
  1. https://reallearning4kids.com/my-blog/: Judy Cornelius's blog gives us a great look at her who professional life - from her job as a technology director at a school to her educational philosophy. I see that she has incorporated DLL assignments like the learning manifesto and learning networks, but has also updated and added to them. With regular updates over the past two years, the amount of thought and work she has put into the blog is evident. The fact that she has a lot of pictures posted, and other items like her Twitter feed, etc. on her homepage make it easier to scroll through.  The organization is easy to follow, even with the amount of material she has posted. I like that she still maintains a section for visitors from Lamar; I will definitely come back in future courses to look at her reflections of the program.

  1. http://www.cflexon.com/: Chad Flexon is STEM coordinator for a school district and has  a lot of content and links for STEM educators and blog posts about his educational philosophies, which I am sure are great resources for the educators he works with. He also has fairly regular blog posts on his home page, which shows that he continues to add to his site. I would say that he could make the homepage more eye catching by including more media, which is something I will keep in mind for my own site. I also thinks that he could embed more content rather than just link it, for example his resume in Google Docs and some of his technology resources.

  1. http://www.limtw.net/: Curtis White’s ePortfolio is a collection of blog posts on the home page, which are further divided into two sections. This is what I would imagine a DLL student’s Portfolio would look like if they focused on posting assignments and reflections by blogging on their education and technology related topics. He certainly has spend time and effort on writing his content and  i like that every post has images which help maintain visual interest throughout the site. One thing that stands out to me is that the posts are not dated so it is difficult to develop a sense of the scale of time and how often the site is updated. I think he should also have some biographical content, and resume etc. on his homepage, as it is only some blog posts which can be found in the other sections as well.

I also reviewed the portfolio of a education professional:
  1. https://rebeccalynntaylor.wordpress.com/: Rebecca Lynn Taylor is an educational developer at a university, and uses her ePortfolio to house her CV, educational philosophy and details of her teaching and facilitating experience. She also has occasional blog posts in one section of her site. The homepage has links to all other sections and also feeds from Goodreads and Twitter, as well as links to her social networks. An ePortfolio of this type would serve as a showcase for educational and professional accomplishments and philosophy to both peers and potential employers.


Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). Examples of Eportfolios. It's About Learning. Retrieved from http://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=5979


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