The COVA Learning Approach
10.28.2017 Using the COVA learning approach (Thibodeaux, Cummings & Harapnuik, 2017) while being a student in this program might impact my learning in the following ways: Choice In this course, for example, I am given a personalized learning environment to discuss digital learning and leading specifically in the fields I do/would like to work in, and to choose the types of tools that I use to do so. Ownership Given the choice to investigate and follow my own learning paths, I have to assume responsibility to find reliable and credible sources of information, and also to learn how to competently and creatively use the digital tools I choose use. Voice Having the opportunity to express my own ideas and beliefs through the coursework, and discuss topics with and receive feedback from other students, I can develop my own distinct professional voice. Authenticity Having the elements of choice, ownership and voice will allow me to have authentic learning opportunitie