Getting Started with ePortfolio

Getting Started

When I completed my assignments for EDLD 5302, I was conscious of the requirement to build and maintain an ePortfolio, so I created all my assignments in a format that would look good in an e-portfolio. I will work on refining and adding to those during this course. Looking at the EDLD 5303 Getting Started Tips, I see that I need to evaluate if the platform I have chosen, New Google Sites will meet the requirements for an ePortfolio for the next 10 courses. One thing that stood out was the need for the sites to have a comments section, for which New Google Sites has no native capability. I looked to my PLNs and a web search and was able to find an article that proposed an easy workaround. I will also work on the organization and navigability of my ePortfolio as we add further material.

Fundamentals of ePortfolios
According to Harapnuik, when examining the concept of ePortfolios, we need to consider the domains of “What, Who, How and Why”. The “What, Who and How” will vary with the individual learner in how they choose how to express their voice and illustrate their own learning. The “Why” however, is the idea of the a greater purpose of the ePortfolio, which is common to all learners: to take ownership of the learning process and create greater depth of learning. Harapnuik also says that ePortfolios are to be disruptive to the institution “because they don’t fit within our standards and summative assessment focused educational culture.” I think this assessment of ePortfolios should also be in the description of the “Why” because the disruption and evolution of our current educational paradigm should be a goal of using ePortfolios.

What is an ePortfolio
EPortfolio can take several forms, such blogs, websites, digital journals etc., but their purpose is to serve as evidence of learning, illustrate a student’s mastery of the content and their ability to demonstrate its application and make new connections within the content area and beyond. The definition of ePortfolios from Sutherland and Powell’s discussion states “An e-portfolio is a purposeful aggregation of digital items – ideas, evidence, reflections, feedback etc, which ‘presents’ a selected audience with evidence of a person’s learning and/or ability.” I find this definition interesting because it considers the audience the ePortfolio is being presented to; while the ePortfolio must reflect the learner, it must also be suited to the audience that it is being presented to. Harapnuik writes that “Eportfolios can and should be simple to understand” and “keep the academic and scholarly jargon down to a minimum and focus on what we need to know and do to effectively use eportfolios to enhance learning.” While my audience is now my instructors and the classmates with whom I am collaborating, my future audience could be potential employers, coworkers I am collaborating with or training, and even who those looking for education resources online who come across my site using web searches. I need the content of my ePortfolio o both be reflective of my learning and in my own authentic voice, as well as being appropriate and accessible to the audience I am trying to connect to.

Meaningful Connections
An ePortfolio, according to Harapnuik, is a way to showcase a student’s critical thinking and problem solving skills. Students can demonstrate their growth and the depth of their learning by showing meaningful connections between the content, their personal and professional lives and the world around them. I feel that my ePortfolio will illustrate my passions and my professional growth and learning during the DLL program and beyond.


Comments. (n.d.) New Sites Testing. Retrieved from
Harapnuik, D. (2016, March 3). EDLD 5303 Getting started tips. It's About Learning. Retrieved from
Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 26). Making meaningful connections in an eportfolio. It's About Learning.Retrieved from

Harapnuik, D. (n.d.-a). Eportfolio. It's About Learning. Retrieved from

Harapnuik, D. (n.d.-b). What is an eportfolio. It's About Learning. Retrieved from

Sutherland, S. and Powell, A. (2007), CETIS SIG mailing list discussions. Retrieved from


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